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November 13, 2007
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting Tuesday November 13, 2007 at the multi-purpose building on Riverside Road, Sandy Hook Ct. 06482.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT: Chet Hopper, Tom Long, Kim Danziger, Mitch Bolinsky, Robert Rau

ALSO PRESENT: Liz Stocker, Community Development Director, one member of public, Joe Borst of 8 Beechwood Drive Sandy Hook, Ct. 06482.

ABSENT: Joe Hemingway, Robert Morey, Ted Kreinik
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Acceptance of October 16, 2007 minutes has been tabled until December 18, 2007 meeting.


REPORTS: Community Development Director, Liz Stocker handed out copies of the fiscal year budget 2007 – 2008 for the Economic Development Commission along with 2008 – 2009 annual budget expenditure justification explaining what is to be requested.
Mr. Hopper requested a motion from the Commission to accept the proposed budget; Mr. Bolinsky moved to accept $35,000 for fiscal year 2008-2009.  Mr. Rau seconded motion.   Ms. Stocker also spoke to the commission about the Connecticut Strategic Plan of Economic Development meeting to be held at the Western Connecticut campus in which herself and Chet were invited to attend.  Ms. Stocker also updated the commission regarding a letter received from the State, extending a five hundred thousand dollar grant to June 2009, the local business/tax incentive plan and initiating RFP regarding the Tech Park.

A. Tech Park Update – Next Steps
Mr. Danziger presented to the commission various maps outlining the Tech Park plans and all possible alternatives for lot configuration as presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Conservation Commission.  Mr. Hopper helped to explain that the possibilities presented are that to maximum development potential for each lot and not what will actually be built.  
Mr. Danziger concluded by essentially asking Mr. Borst for support in getting all commissions to work together and on the same page to keep the project moving forward.

B. Old Projects Tabled in Past – R. Rau Memo
Mr. Hopper reviewed the memo sent by Mr. Rau in regards to worthy initiatives having been overlooked (See Attachment A).  Mr. Hopper asked the Commission to keep in mind any interests in the projects as he went through them.  Mr. Danziger suggested to the Commission for the Town to take on the Brownfield Sites (more specifically the Batchelder property) so as to get it moving.  Community Development Director, Liz Stocker suggested to have Mr. Jim Moloney speak to the Commission about what steps need to be taken.  Mr. Hopper will request for Mr. Moloney to attend the January meeting.

C. Budget 2007-2008
As discussed above.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Hopper briefly mentioned vacancies on the Commission that will be opening shortly which he hopes to have filled by the first of the year.
Mr. Danziger suggested Dr. Kevin Braun had expressed an interest in joining the commission. Mr. Hopper requested that he submit an application to the Board of Selectmen and to the EDC to sit on the Commission as well as explaining areas of interest.

Mr. Hopper requested a motion to accept the posted calendar.  Mr. Bolinsky moved to accept calendar.  Mr. Danziger seconded motion.

Having no further business, the Economic Development Commission adjourned the meeting.   Mr. Danziger moved to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Bolinsky seconded, all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

                        Respectfully submitted, Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk